Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Personal Ad

White male, 30, athletic, out doors type. DESPERATELY Seeking a Cold remedy that works.  And FAST!!


  1. Neti pot! Works great with a tiny drop of lemon oil. Feel better soon brother.

  2. Stop the added stress of worrying about being sick. When you're happy, your immune system is happy, and the chain reaction is all good. I wouldn't be surprised if three weeks from now, you're pushing your best numbers in training and racing. Let go let God.

  3. I second the neti pot. If you need to see how it's done, see D's blog.

  4. I've heard swimming does NOT help. Just sayin.

  5. L-Glutamine is food for you immune system helps when sick and recovery from workouts! Vit. D-3 will boost your immune respone too!

  6. You and me kid, it's making the rounds. Orange juice is passe but it makes me feel better. And lots of hot tea with lemon and honey. My throat is wicked sore. Feel better soon!
