Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holy Breath Fog

I live in Southern California. A suburb of Los Angeles, about 30mins to 3hrs Southwest of Downtown/Staples Center, depending on traffic.

This morning it was 37 degrees F when I left my house for my morning run. It was not fun. I found myself wondering what exactly "they" call the fog that one emits/creates when running in these temps. While trying to run and concentrating on not losing my balance on my numb feet, "Breath Fog" was all I could think of. I guess its all "they" could think of as well, because the temple of all information that is Google, told me this:
"Breath Fog" comes from breathing cold air through your nose & mouth into your warm lungs. When exhaled, this moisture-laden air creates a fog.

Well this morning there was a whole lot of it.


  1. Cold Air + Darkness + Bike Commuters = very intersting morning run these days

  2. crazee, huh? i don't think i've ever seen these temps in sunny, warm southern california. but i thought it was kinda fun! : )

  3. Oh pleeeeeease, you live in SoCal. You people don't know what breath fog is ;))

  4. You tell 'em ADC! I'll be sure to remember to post about "breath frost." 37 is pretty chilly - I'd complain, too.

  5. I don't care who you are... 37 is cold. I came home from my run this afternoon (walked in the door JUST as it got dark... at 4:50pm ARGH!) and it was 32 out. No wonder it took 20mins of my run to warm-up.

  6. So i must make a comment, living in North Idaho...it has been a blistery 5 out for the last 3 days...and if your 13, the temps don't seem to mind as much. Must be an age thing:)

  7. Huh! Breath fog - I'm glad it has an official name!! :)

    37 would definitely be a run-in-shorts kind of day for me. Of course it's all a matter of perspective though because if I told you what temperature I thought was "hot" you would probably laugh...in my face. ;)

    Keep warm!

  8. You CA folks are really soft. It was 8 degrees here when I woke-up. HTFU, guys!

  9. Lame Californian! I bet you in Canada somewhere it is negative already. I also road my trainer this morning because it was 29 on the mtn :)
