Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whats Done is DONE!!

My taper officially began yesterday. While I can say that some things could have gone better with my training for Ironman Couer D' Alene, I am trying to stay positive, and find myself cautiously optimistic. But being an Iron virgin, what the hell do I know? Not much! One thing I do know is that time has run out for me to do anything else (training wise) to make me any more prepared. I have now entered that paralyzing territory where seemingly each and every action you take can only hurt, not improve your pending race performance. Queue the nervousness and anxiety! Maybe I will actually get some of the things I have been putting off done this week? Pfff...


  1. Part of me wishes I were doing CDA so I could taper. And part of me wishes I were doing Canada so I have more time to train. Enjoy the taper

  2. I could not have said it better myself. And I agree - 100%!


  3. All of me wishes Maggs was doing CDA or IMC. I don't want to wait til October to see her again! (how bout a bigger hijack of your comments?)

    You're going to do great and you're as ready as someone can be. There's not one person out there that has all of their training go the way they plan it to, but amazing races are still had. Trust what you've done and just have fun. We do this because we like it (which in itself is really screwed up!! hehe), not because we have to.

    Can't wait! :)

  4. You are sooo right. What's done is done. I will be rooting for you out there as you lap me on the swim or wherever.

  5. You're ready! Can't wait to hear how you do!!

  6. totally in the bank... so excited for you, I wish I was there to root you on! OWN IT!
