Saturday, October 16, 2010

Race Day Eve

Well Austin has been more than I could have expected.

In no particular order, these have been the highlights thus far:

1. Getting to see and stay with my Aunt and cousin after not seeing either of them for probably at least 13 years, and getting to meet my cousin's wife for the first time.

2. Reuniting with old family/swim team friends from way back in the day while taking in some great views and grub.

3.  Having some great weather in Austin.

4. Finding that Austin has totally redeemed my opinion of Texas and the less than wonderful taste for the state that Lubbock left in my mouth.

5.  Swimming in a 900ft long "natural pool" sans wetsuit (on purpose) and goggles (not on purpose).

6. Finding an INCREDIBLE local grocery store (Central Market). If you're ever in Austin, hit this place up.

7. Meeting some nice locals on my morning run who were all training for NYC Marathon.

So hopefully tomorrow the trend will continue and all will go well.


  1. Good luck tomorrow! I'll be cheering for you!!!

  2. Have a great day tomorrow! Hope you can find yourself some more Clydesdales ;)

  3. I'm glad Austin has redeemed your view of TX.. can't wait to check it out myself. GO GET EM' Cavemanian!!! :)
